Public Events 2024

EE Webinar Series: 8 August to 28 November

Join leading EE expert, Adv Jan Munnik, in a series of webinars, aimed at ensuring that your organisation is fully compliant. He will show you how to approach and implement EE differently to optimize compliance and eliminate risks arising from intensified inspection by DEL.

Time: 09h00 – 13h00
Cost per webinar (VAT excluded): R950,00

If you register for all nine webinars, you will receive a 10% discount on registration fees. We also offer discounts if more than one delegate from the same organisation registers for a course.

  • Participants are emailed the programme and all materials to be used during webinar before the start of each webinar.
  • Teams meeting invitations will be sent out before the start of the classes.
  • Breakout rooms are used for the conducting of exercises, the number of delegates allowing.
  • Links to recordings of sessions and PDF copies of the slides used will be sent to participants after each webinar.

Please note: Payment or proof thereof must be received by no later than 08h30 on the day prior to the course/workshop/webinar unless previous arrangements have been made. See Terms and Conditions of Sale for Training Courses/Workshops and Webinars, Clause 2 on the Booking Page.



Contact: Kumsa Skenjana
Phone: 071 624 8569

Who should attend?

  • CEOs/HR Directors
  • EE Managers/EE Coordinators
  • HR Managers/Transformation Managers
  • EE Forum/Committee Members

About your presenter

Adv. JAN MUNNIK is the founder and Managing Director of EES-SIYAKHA. Jan has specialised in EE for the past 23 years and is regarded as one of the leading experts in EE transformation in South Africa. He has delivered papers at many conferences on EE and BEE and related topics and consults to several leading blue-chip organisations and Government institutions.

Jan has developed ground-breaking EE systems, methodologies and tools that includes, inter alia, Equity Pro, the most sophisticated EE Goal Setting and Monitoring Software Tool on the market. He is presently assisting employer organisations in different Sectors with their responses to proposed Sector Targets, including the Regulations issued on 1 February 2024.

Ensuring that you have prepared your organisation properly and compliantly for EE and the EE Sector Target Challenge

Half-day webinar: 8 August 2024

The webinar aims to develop an understanding of:

  • Why it is necessary to prepare for EE
  • What needs to be done to properly prepare your organisation for EE
    • Creating understanding of EE.
    • Selection of Senior EE Manager
    • How to put together an EE Consultative Forum
    • Planning and managing your EE
  • The choices with regard to how your organisation is to approach EE
  • The benefits of adopting an EE Best Practice approach
  • What should be included in an EE Policy

Topics include:

  • Key concepts of the EE Act and a designated employer’s obligations, particularly with regard to consulting with workforce representatives
  • Key provisions in the Code of Good Practice on the Preparation, Implementation and Monitoring of the EE Plan with regard to preparation for EE
  • EE Best Practice: The choices facing designated employers
  • Selecting an EE Manager
  • Preparing the EE Manager’s appointment letter
  • How to set up an EEC
  • Scoping the project and developing an EE Policy
  • Drafting the EEC’s constitution
  • The interrelationship between and EEC Constitution and an EE Policy

Fees per delegate
(VAT excluded)


Attendance Certificates will be issued and the cost of the workshop can be claimed as Skills Development and Procurement points for B-BBEE.

EES-SIYAKHA is a Level 2
B-BBEE Contributo

Properly preparing your Workforce Profile and all other data required for the setting of EE Goals

Half-day webinar: 22 August 2024

The webinar aims to develop an understanding of:

  • Key concepts of the EE Act as amended related to the preparation for EE Goal Setting
  • The objective of setting EE Goals
  • What needs to be done to properly and accurately prepare your Workforce Profile data
  • What an employer needs to do in order to prepare properly for EE Goal setting

Topics include:

  • Participants’ challenges in preparing for EE Goal Setting
  • Workforce Profile and EE Goal setting source data
  • Reviewing of Job Evaluation Grade and EEA 9 allocations
  • Vetting your declared PWD against the definition in the EE Act
  • Reviewing Your Workforce Profile Data
  • Relevant variables and that impact on the number of opportunities and, as a result, EE Goals setting
  • EE Goal setting source data that needs to be collected in advance
Fees per delegate
(VAT excluded)

Attendance Certificates will be issued and the cost of the workshop can be claimed as Skills Development and Procurement points for B-BBEE.

EES-SIYAKHA is a Level 2
B-BBEE Contributo

Preparing your EEA2 and amended EEA4 Reports

Half-day webinar: 5 September 2024

Every Designated Employer has to complete an EEA2 and EEA4 Report every year. In 2019 the EEA4 Report was significantly amended to include new concepts such as:

  • Fixed variable and total remuneration
  • Average annual remuneration of the Top 10% of your Top Earners
  • Average annual remuneration for the Bottom 10% of your Bottom Earners
  • Median earners remuneration in your organisation

This webinar is aimed at providing you with practical assistance in completing both your EEA2 and EEA4 Reports and, in particular, understanding of the above new concepts and how to perform the calculations that will enable you to provide the correct answers in their EEA4 Reports.

It will also deal with the provision of reasons for identified Income Differentials, and guidance with regards to answering the qualitative questions at the end of the EEA4 Report.

Topics covered
  • Participants’ EE Plan challenges and expectations
  • Aspects of the EE Act as amended relevant to EEA 2 and EEA4 Reporting
  • Practical assistance in completing your EEA2 Report
  • Using technology to save you time when completing your EE Plan and reporting
  • Online reporting
  • The 2019 Amendments to the 2014 EE Act Regulations
  • Using technology to perform the calculations and save you time when completing your EEA4 Report
  • Record keeping for DEL visits or reviews
Fees per delegate
(VAT excluded)

Attendance Certificates will be issued and the cost of the workshop can be claimed as Skills Development and Procurement points for B-BBEE.

EES-SIYAKHA is a Level 2
B-BBEE Contributor

How to set achievable EE Numerical Goals and complying with Sector Target Requirements: For small or large organisations with subsidiaries/divisions and regional operations/offices across South Africa

Half-day webinar: 19 September 2024

Sector Targets are expected to become a reality in the next six months or so. The EE Amendment Act of 2022 and the 1 February Draft Regulations provide clear guidelines for the setting of Sector Targets aligned to EE Goals.

Designated employers are in the interim advised to align their EE Goal setting therewith as minimal changes are expected to the 1 February Regulations.

The webinar will cover, inter alia:

  • All legal requirements, including the EE Amendment Act of 2022 and the 1 February Draft Regulations, and case law that impact on EE Goal setting
  • The structures and operations, if any, that EE Goals should be set for in large organisations and whether these goals can be aggregated to serve as the EE Goals in large organisations and, if so, how?
  • Who should you involve in EE Goal setting?
  • The correctness or otherwise of all relevant source data aspects to be used in the setting of EE Goals
  • The different variables that impact on the number of opportunities that are likely to arise during the period of the EE Plan and, as a result, EE Goals setting
  • How technology can be used effectively in the setting of EE Goals
  • Setting of Goals for Persons with Disabilities
Fees per delegate (VAT excluded)

Attendance Certificates will be issued and the cost of the workshop can be claimed as Skills Development and Procurement points for B-BBEE.

EES-SIYAKHA is a Level 2
B-BBEE Contributo

How to conduct a value-adding Barrier Analysis that is going to accelerate EE transformation in the workplace and advance the achievement of Sector Targets

Half-day webinar: 3 October 2024

The EE Act and Codes of Good Practices are silent regarding how an employer should go about its Section 19 (1) Barriers Analysis. This very often results in Designated Employers being found to be non-compliant with regard to the conducting of their Barriers Analyses when under D-G Review.

This webinar fills this gap and not only ensures that you are fully compliant in the conducting of your section 19 Analyses, but also shares Best EE Practice with regard thereto.

Topics covered

  • Participants’ Barriers Analysis challenges and expectations
  • Aspects of the EE Act as amended relevant to Barriers Analysis
  • Understanding what an employer needs to do in practice to comply
  • Record keeping for DEL visits or reviews
  • What DEL Inspectors will be looking out for
Fees per delegate (VAT excluded)

Attendance Certificates will be issued and the cost of the workshop can be claimed as Skills Development and Procurement points for

EES-SIYAKHA is a Level 2
B-BBEE Contributo

The development of meaningful AA Measures that are going to accelerate EE transformation in the workplace and advance the achievement of Sector Targets

Half-day webinar:  17 October 2024

A designated employer’s AA Measures is potentially the biggest gamechanger in bringing about transformation in the workplace and increasing an employer’s Management Control score on the B-BBEE scorecard.

In order for AA Measures to have any impact on workplace transformation they need to meet two important criteria.

The first is that they are required to remove the barriers to the advancement of persons from designated identified in the Section 19 Analysis. The second is that they should adhere to the SMART principle, namely specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound. They further need to meet the requirements of the EE Act and Regulations.

This webinar will address all the above issues and empower you to draw meaningful AA Measures for your next EE Plan.

Topics covered

  • Participants’ AA Measures challenges and expectations
  • Understanding what an employer needs to do in practice to comply
  • Record keeping for DEL visits or reviews
  • What DEL Inspectors will be looking out for
Fees per delegate (VAT excluded)

Attendance Certificates will be issued and the cost of the workshop can be claimed as Skills Development and Procurement points for

EES-SIYAKHA is a Level 2
B-BBEE Contributo

Preparing for your next EE Plan: Developing a user-friendly and practical EE Plan that eases implementation

Half-day webinar: 31 October 2024

In 2014, the DEL issued new Regulations which included the EEA 13, described therein as a ‘Template for Employment Equity Plan in terms of Section 20 of the Act’.

Whilst the EEA13 template is an extremely useful instrument for fulfilling its purpose, namely to ensure Designated Employers’ EE Plans comply with the requirements of Section 20, it is only a Template. It is, in fact, very user-unfriendly in contextualising the EE Plan and how the Plan was developed, and in serving as a practical implementation tool.

The EEA13 template furthermore omits certain critical legal requirements such as strategies in support of Numerical Goals and Non-Numerical Goals.

This webinar has been designed to assist participants to develop a user-friendly EE Plan, based on the Template, and which addresses all the above inadequacies of the EEA13.

Topics covered

  • Participants’ EE Plan challenges and expectations.
  • Aspects of the EE Act as amended relevant to the development of the EE Plan.
  • Comparison between EEA13 Template and Section 20 of EE Act.
  • Identifying, with reference to your audience, what else to include in a user-friendly EE Plan.
  • The difference between Objectives and Non-Numerical Goals.
  • Developing:
    • Strategies in support of Numerical Goals
    • Non-Numerical Goals and Objectives for each year of the Plan.
  • Procedures to monitor and evaluate implementation of your EE Plan.
  • Senior Managers responsible for monitoring and implementing the EE Plan.
  • Dispute Resolution Procedures.
  • Practical sample of what and EE Plan should look like.
  • Record keeping for DEL visits or reviews.
  • What DEL Inspectors will be looking out for.
Fees per delegate (VAT excluded)

Attendance Certificates will be issued and the cost of the workshop can be claimed as Skills Development and Procurement points for B-BBEE.

EES-SIYAKHA is a Level 2
B-BBEE Contributo

Update on Sector Targets, the stepping up of DEL’s DG Reviews, and new focus on EE implementation Compliance: Developing the systems and processes necessary to avoid the risk of being fined 2% of turnover for not achieving your annual targets (and Sector Targets once law)
Half-day webinar: 14 November 2024

The webinar will show you how to develop the systems and processes necessary for the achievement of annual Targets (or the furnishing of justifiable, reasonable grounds for their non-achievement that will stand up in Court, and should satisfy DEL inspectors).

One of the reasons for the slow pace of EE transformation has been the general disregard by employers of referring to their EE Plans’ Numerical Goals when making appointments.

Continuation of such approach will almost certainly result in fines being imposed and, once Sector Targets are place, loss of Government business.

During this webinar you will be introduced to processes and systems that, if implemented, will minimise the risk of fines and loss of Government business once Sector Targets are in operation.

Topics covered
  • The DEL’s present drive to track EE Plan progress and take defaulting employers to Court to have fines imposed
  • DEL Sector Engagements, proposed Targets, 2018 EE Act Draft Regulations and proposed enforcement and monitoring modus operandi
  • How Sector Targets are going to work and be monitored
  • What constitutes justifiable reasonable grounds for not achieving annual (Sector) targets
  • Why applying for a Compliance Certificate without evidence or data substantiating information provided in EEA 15 is not an option
  • How the DEL is assessing EE Goals achievement
  • Evidence required in support of justifiable reasonable grounds for not achieving annual (Sector) Targets
  • Process that needs to be followed in making appointments
  • Tracking application of process and achievement of EE Targets
  • Preparing for DEL visits and D-G Reviews

Fees per delegate (VAT excluded)


Attendance Certificates will be issued and the cost of the workshop can be claimed as Skills Development and Procurement points for B-BBEE.

EES-SIYAKHA is a Level 2
B-BBEE Contributo

How to effectively monitor and evaluate your EE Plan and its implementation, and ensure full EE Compliance, avoid fines and loss of Government business once Sector Targets kick in

Half-day webinar: 28 November 2024

Whilst the EE Act requires an employer to consult with workforce representatives regarding the implementation of its EE Plan and to state in its EE Plan the persons in the workforce responsible for monitoring and implementing the Plan, the EE Act, Codes and Regulations are silent on how an employer is to do so and manage its EE transformation.

To effectively monitor and evaluate the implementation of its EE Plan a Designated Employer needs to put in place at least the following:

  • The establishment of a special transformation (management) structure.
  • Develop and prepare an EE Reporting Template to be used for monitoring and evaluation of EE
  • Institutionalise the management of EE transformation.

This webinar will deal with each of the above aspects and provide participants with the necessary insight on the structures, processes and tools required for the effective implementation of its EE Plan.

Topics covered

  • Participants’ EE monitoring and evaluation challenges and expectations
  • Aspects of the EE Act as amended relevant to monitoring and evaluation
  • Understanding what an employer needs to do in practice to comply
  • Record keeping for DEL visits or reviews
  • What DEL Inspectors and D-G will be looking out for and the EEA 7
  • Powers of the D-G of the DEL in the event of non-implementation of the EE Plan

Fees per delegate
(VAT excluded)


Attendance Certificates will be issued and the cost of the workshop can be claimed as Skills Development and Procurement points for B-BBEE.

EES-SIYAKHA is a Level 2
B-BBEE Contributo